Immersive Learning

Berkeley-Haas Alumni Conference, April 28, 2018

Wow!  It’s always nice to be back on the Berkeley campus! I found the conference always a fun-filled day — a day to be “Students Always.”

Berkeley-Haas Business School

Although I missed Deal Lyon’s Goodbye Speech in the morning, I attended two workshops: 1) Design Thinking, and […]

Keeping Sales and Marketing Sustainable

If you are a young company running a shop on your own, without an extended team, you may find it challenging to keep up with sales and marketing adequately so you can grow and acquire more customers. Often times, I get asked by clients: “Where should I focus on our sales and marketing efforts to […]

How to Elevate Your Business and Marketing in 60 Days

Need a Yoda moment? Now you can!

As we begin a New Year welcoming 2018, you deserve to take some time off from your day-to-day activities and have those Yoda moments! So you can reflect and retool on any important aspect of your business that may need more attention: whether it’s about having a focused marketing strategy, […]

Top 5 Social Media and Video Marketing Tidbits


There were many wonderful content that we have curated in social media that we cannot wait to share out with you.  Some are short reads and some are long, and well worth investing time to catch up. So pick you favorite and dive in!   In general, consumers like brands who […]

How to Get Early Adopters for Your Product

Hey, everyone! So thrilled about finishing up our new, YouTube video focusing on How to Get Early Adopters for Your Product. 

If you are a start-up company, you would be most interested in listening to this quick talk in less than 2 minutes. 

If you are an existing company, you may want to study how 3M […]

Heart-to-Heart: Women Entrepreneurship and Leadership

Have you ever hosted a TV show before? Watch our airing here!

My first-time, TV host experience had been exhilarating! It’s great to work with a supportive TV crew, whose knowledge and skills are shown in this production. Of course, I could not have done it without my special guest: Jesse Cool, Owner of Flea […]

Inspirations from Berkeley-Haas Alumni Conference

Wow! Have you ever been to a conference that made you feel inspired? The Berkeley-Haas Alumni Conference on April 27 did just that!

It was great to be back on the Berkeley campus, being in awe with the student life, meandering through the streets finding parking, catching glimpses of Lyft drivers taking passengers around […]

Is Influencer Marketing for You in 2017?

I have always been a fan of Influencer Marketing (earned media). I believe that if it’s done right, Influencer Marketing is an effective way for companies (young and progressive) to keep their products known among their target customers and drive brand affinity over time.

Public Relations is one of the channels that I know where […]