Lean In to Alleviate Biases Toward Women (and Men)

As part of my volunteer work as a board member for UC Berkeley Haas School of Business Alumni Network, I organized and chaired a Women in Leadership in May 2015 which I am very proud of its success.

The event featured Marianne Cooper, an author and an expert on Gender, Family Life, Work and Social Inequality. Marianne spoke with compassion and conviction on related researches that demonstrated how society continues to perpetuate biases towards women that are linked to our successes at the top. She shared subtleties such as the language that we used, the way we perceive women with aggressive styles and how they are interpreted, how we (women) see ourselves in the board rooms, and how we act as leaders among our male peers, among others.

Her talk ignited the audience to start thinking about why women’s careers often stalled at the top, by taking their unformed questions and transforming them into meaningful discussion about families, parenting, relationships, managing, AND careers. To learn more about Marianne’s work, please go to www.mariannecooper.com.

I look forward to having future events that talk about struggles and triumphs that women go through as they shape their leadership roles and navigate their paths to success. Please send me inquiries if you would like to engage me in women in leadership events in your community.

Source:  UC Berkeley-Haas School of Business, Silicon Valley Alumni Chapter’s Women in Leadership Event 2015.

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