Building Content for Social Media and Online Consumption

Photo Courtesy: Eugne Zhyvchik of Unsplash

We are the biggest content consumers online these days. Building content for social media and other outlets may seem easy, but building quality content takes a bit of planning and discipline.

Here are five golden rules that I follow:

1)     Develop content benefiting your target audience and showcasing your expertise. This can be content on work that you are passionate about, expertise that you love to offer help to others, or something that you are good at personally.

2)     Build content with stories that come from your heart. There are content that I’ve read in the newspaper, blogs, social media posts and websites that are just fillers. Then there are content that I read which moves my heart; makes me think, laugh, or pause to ask a question. Those are the best ones.

3)     Decide on your content source. Do you want to take content from a credible source and re-purpose it?  Or you want to create your own content and have fun doing it? If you are crafty and resourceful person like me who loves storytelling, I would suggest that you create your own content because you can do so much with it.

4)     What’s your content objective? Is it for building awareness for a new product? Or is it keeping your audience engaged with a project that you work on and they can benefit from hearing more about it?

5)     Finally, re-purpose your original content and customize it for distribution in various channels. For example, you can take a long-version blog and chunk it out into smaller sound bytes and distribute it across social media in a video or static format that’s appropriate for a particular medium. And don’t forget to set a calendar on how you will stage your distribution to get the most out of your content.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading these nuggets. My next piece will focus on content distribution; I will share out examples on what I did with some of my content pieces.

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