Building a Content Marketing Calendar

Photo credit: Kelli Tungay of Unsplash

These days, we all need a content marketing calendar, regardless of what you sell, or size of your business.

We need content to drive our marketing messages through promotions in various channels, from blogs and emails to social media and video production.

If you are a small business owner, you are probably the content owner, or may have a small team who can help you with posting, monitoring and analyzing your content distribution results.

How do you ensure everyone gets onto the same page? By creating a content marketing calendar could just be the answer.

Here’re a few nuggets to consider from my own experience: (or watch our clip for quick tips)

1. Align your content with product launches, major sales and marketing events

2. Identify themes for the year across your business

3. Assign content developers/owners

4. Plan content details a month or two in advance

5. Integrate those themes into your posts, support with varying content

6. Implement your content distribution consistently

7. Allow a few jet skis such as news and events to mix in with calendar

8. Monitor and review your Google analytics. Then modify

What else would you add to this list?

Stuck? Contact us if you need additional help in making your content marketing calendar better!

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