Personal Branding Keynote at Berkeley Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum

Berkeley Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Virtual) Forum Saturday, Nov. 14, 2020, 6-9pm PST (Nov. 15, 2020, 10-1pm Beijing Time)

I am thrilled about sharing my knowledge on personal branding at the Berkeley Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum. It’s a privilege to be a keynote among a roster of esteemed leaders and speakers.

Get agenda details and register […]

Building a Content Marketing Calendar

Photo credit: Kelli Tungay of Unsplash

These days, we all need a content marketing calendar, regardless of what you sell, or size of your business.

We need content to drive our marketing messages through promotions in various channels, from blogs and emails to social media and video production.

If you are a small […]

Using Lean Canvas to Bring Your Idea to Fruition

Photo courtesy: Lesly Juarez of Unsplash

What is a Lean Canvas?

You need to know about Lean Canvas if you are an entrepreneur or a first-time business owner. 

It’s a simple and strategic tool for all entrepreneurs who wish to put their ideas onto paper and bring them to fruition! It acts like […]

Breaking Social Media Clutters Using Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is one of the strategies that start-up companies could consider to break through the clutter in social media content. It has proven to be a powerful way for a brand or a product to have its message spread quickly, from person to person, much like the same way that a virus (non-COVID, haha) spreads […]

Using Data to Make Smart Marketing Investment Strategy

We all use data to make smart marketing investment strategy.

Increasing online usage due to the pandemic is putting more eyeballs on different media channels. The trick is to find out where and how your prospective customers are spending their time.

Data that tells you about customer behaviors and how they consume media is […]

Content Distribution Strategy for Social Media and Online Consumption


This is part II of our content building educational moments. You can watch the clip here

Last time, we talked about building quality content that sticks. Now you have quality content built, what’s next?

I want to give you an example on how I distribute the content of my Business Matters column in […]

Using Podcast to Develop a Trusted Brand Voice

Courtesy of Shawn Flynn, Host of The Silicon Valley Podcast

In 2020, podcast’s regular weekly listenership is projected to reach over 68 million people, with an additional 20 million people to be added in the next 3 years. Podcast’s popularity has made it an emerging niche prime for distribution of quality content that […]

Building Content for Social Media and Online Consumption

Photo Courtesy: Eugne Zhyvchik of Unsplash

We are the biggest content consumers online these days. Building content for social media and other outlets may seem easy, but building quality content takes a bit of planning and discipline.

Here are five golden rules that I follow:

1)     Develop content benefiting your target audience and […]

Maintaining Your Marketing Above Zero

Photo Courtesy: Christian- Koepke of Unsplash

Maintaining Your Marketing Above Zero

COVID19 lock down has impacted many non-essential businesses from engaging in face time activities with their customers and conducting their services in a normal fashion. Not being able to serve your customers readily in person leads to a reduction in sales, hence […]